Illuminating Heritage: A New Dawn at the Basilica

As part of our commitment to honor our past while paving the way for a future legacy, we are thrilled to unveil the new state-of-the-art lighting system in our beloved Basilica. This enhancement not only will highlight the architectural beauty of our sacred space but also enrich the spiritual experience for all who visit.

We invite you to learn more about the lighting component of the re-decorating and restoration project here at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.



Illuminating Challenges: The Need for New Light

The current lighting system in the Basilica is nearly 100 years old, and reflects the lighting technology of that era. With a few exceptions, it is limited to the lantern down lighting and a few spotlights that have been added over time. It is inadequate in many ways, lacking flexibility, expensive to maintain, and does not support video streaming.

The aging fixtures not only consumed excessive energy but also fail to enhance the architectural beauty of our sacred space. Frequent outages and uneven lighting distribution often detracted from the solemnity and aesthetic appeal of our services and events.


Recognizing these issues, it became clear that a renovation was imperative not just for aesthetic enhancement but also for energy efficiency and sustainability. The decision to upgrade our lighting system aligns with our commitment to ‘Honoring our past with a legacy for our future,’ ensuring that every liturgical celebration is both beautifully illuminated and environmentally considerate.

Rambusch Lighting Co.

One of the companies participating in the redecorating project of the Basilica is Rambusch, based in Jersey City, N.J., a full-service company of designers, craftspeople, artisans, and machinists that has been practicing in the decorative arts for over 123 years.  This new lighting system will not only help the congregation worship and participate; it will also bring the grandeur of the Basilica alive. An important part of the overall lighting solution is the renovation of the existing lanterns which Rambusch Lighting Co. designed and manufactured in the 1930’s. As part of the project,  they are preserving and updating them with new wiring and LED lighting.  More information about the company, and their approach can be found below along with information on engineered lighting, decorative lighting, and dimming and controls aspects of which will be included in our redecoration project.  There are also photographs of completed projects they have managed or participated in that are helpful in visualizing how lighting can be transformative to a worship space.

Illuminating Features of Our New Lighting System


Eco-Friendly LED Technology

Our new lighting system utilizes advanced LED technology that significantly reduces energy consumption while providing superior illumination.


Customizable Light Settings

Tailor the lighting to fit various liturgies with adjustable settings that can create the perfect ambiance for every occasion.


Enhanced Architectural Beauty

Strategically placed lights accentuate the architectural details of our basilica, highlighting its historic beauty and artistic elements.


Automated Light Control

Experience seamless transitions with an automated system that adjusts lighting based on the time of day and outside light levels, ensuring optimal lighting at all times.


Energy Efficiency

Our system is designed to be highly energy-efficient, leading to lower electricity costs and a reduced environmental footprint.


Improved Safety and Security

Enhanced lighting improves visibility and security, ensuring a safer environment for all who visit and worship at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Transforming our Sacred Space: Before & After

A look at some of Rambush LED Lighting Solutions

Immaculate Conception Chapel

Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA

Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Oklahoma City, OK

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Syracuse, NY